Monday, July 17, 2006

Boyd-Ragsdale Family Reunion 2006

Here are some of the pictures we took. We had a great time!

Holly,Aubrey,Blake,Ella,Preston & Chrystal

Jacie & Ella

Chase "I'm soapin wet!"

Bryce,Jade & Joey playing a game of Risk
Aubrey & Jerald

Its only letting me add 5 pictures per post. I'll make more posts for the other pictures. Also, there are some of the family pictures that we didn't get, so anyone else that has other pictures, feel free to post them too! I know there were a lot of cameras flashing that day! Take care everyone...



Me said...

Family Reunions are so fun! What are the dates for the next one coming up in 2008? We hope to attend and so if anyone knows the dates know we can see what mountains we can move to attend! Love everyone! Miss everyone! Hope we can see everyone soon!

blaker239 said...

Reunions memory

blaker239 said...

Reunions memory

Tara D. said...

I don't remember seeing these posts before. How did I miss this? Hmm...anyhow, I love all the pictures. They're great!